Wednesday 26 January 2011

WEEK 11 - 13

Researching film posters, I decided to look specifically at film posters of my chosen genre; horror. Examining a range of horror film posters you immediately notice a common theme throughout. You notice that if not all, most horror film posters’ backgrounds are black. If it’s not black it ends to be a really dark colour. This connotes darkness, giving a spooky feel. The use of black or any other dark colour for the film poster is a generic convention, which I believe would be very hard to challenge as this has been a common theme ever since horror films were about. So I decided to incorporate the use of black onto my poster. Much like the other posters I want to have my subject highlighted in the middle of the poster, with black around the subject, all long the edges. This will give all the attention to the subject. Similar to 'The Last House on The Left' I want the title to be larger than the actual picture, so I don't reveal too much throught the picture. I am also considering using a silhouette for my picture, to make it more scary as such.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

WEEK 8 - 10

My partner and I began filming. We shot our first scene outside on the college site. This scene involved a group of friends talking about ghosts of people who died in a fire before this college was built into a college. During filming we had to re shoot this scene about 4 times in order to ensure the realism was there.
We also shot another scene in the toilets in which one of the characters was staring in the mirror and hey had a sort of weird experience, which may be due to an apparent ghost, or just something out of the ordinary. Here I was the one doing the actual filming and I decided to do an over the shoulder shot which lead into the mirror, allowing me to see my character’s full facial expressions. I used a mid-shot I slowly zoomed in to embrace his facial expressions. That scene ends there, which will be punctuated at the end by a brief break and I have the idea to use the sound effect of a loud noise of a door slam.

For the next scenes I decided to do a mobile scene, in which I was holding the camera running and breathing heavily, to give the audience a subjective view of one character in the area that the students want to investigate. I wanted the scene to appear before the initial scene of the group talking about the forbidden area, giving the trailer an exciting start. Following that I shot a scene of the person I was running with being dragged somewhere by a some what invisible force.

I filmed in a playground in the night time. To emphasize the naturally spooky setting I got someone to push the swings and other apparatus then run out of the camera's sight. This looked as if the swings and other apparatus were  moving by their selves.

Due to a misunderstanding, I was forced to complete the rest of this project by myself.
Also as I missed the deadline for presenting my video, I wasn't able to get some audience feedback from my classmates. However I did end up getting a few friends who fit my target audience description to watch it and give me their feedback.